This is a page with some basic contact information, such as an address and phone number. You might also try a plugin to add a contact form.



Life on Earth is in crisis Our climate is changing faster than scientists predicted and the stakes are high. Biodiversity loss. Crop failure. Social and ecological collapse. Mass extinction. We are running out of time, and our Government has failed to act. We have a moral duty to rebel – whatever our politics. Extinction Rebellion… Continue reading ABOUT US



Unnatural disasters: Climate emergency. WE HAVE A SHARED VISION OF CHANGE: Creating a world that is fit for generations to come. WE SET OUT MISSION ON WHAT IS NECESSARY: Mobilising 3.5% of the population to achieve system change – using ideas such as “Momentum-driven organising” to achieve this. WE NEED A REGENERATIVE CULTURE: Creating a… Continue reading WHY REBEL


Hello world!

Welcome to the Extinction Rebellion Tasmania website. This is a work in progress so please be patient while we find relevant text and imagery for you.